Electric Towel Radiators vs. Hydronic Towel Radiators: Which is Best

Towel radiators have become an essential fixture in many modern bathrooms. They offer a convenient and stylish way to dry towels while also providing warmth and comfort to the room. However, choosing the right type of towel radiator can be challenging. With so many options available, it can be difficult to decide between an electric towel radiator and a hydronic towel radiator. To help, below we’ll compare both types and show you what to consider before purchasing.

Electric Towel Radiators

Electric towel radiators are powered by electricity and do not require a connection to a central heating system. They typically consist of an electric heating element that warms up when the radiator is turned on. The heat generated by the elements is transferred to the surrounding air, which then dries the towels and warms the room. Our range of innovative E Flow electric towel radiators combine electric radiator and fan heater in one. The fane heater can quickly heat the room whilst the electric towel radiator warms your towels and providers more sustained heat.

One of the biggest advantages of electric towel radiators is their energy efficiency. Because they do not rely on a central heating system, they can be used only when needed, resulting in lower energy bills. Additionally, an electric towel radiator is easy to install and requires no plumbing, making it a great option for those who do not want to or cannot install a central heating system.

When it comes to installation, electric towel radiators can be plugged into a standard electrical socket or hardwired into the bathroom’s electrical system.

Hydronic Towel Radiators

Hydronic towel radiators, also known as standard towel radiators, are connected to a central heating system and rely on heated water to provide warmth. The water is heated in a boiler or other central heating system and then circulated through the radiator, where it transfers heat to the air and towels.

One advantage of hydronic towel radiators is their heating performance. Because they are connected to a central heating system, they can be used to heat the entire bathroom and not just the towels – however, they may not be as energy efficient as an electric towel radiator, resulting in higher energy bills.  Hydronic towel radiators can be customised to match the heating system’s aesthetic, making them a great option for those who want a seamless look in their bathroom.


When it comes to comparing electric towel radiators and hydronic towel radiators, there are a few key differences to consider. In terms of energy efficiency, an electric towel radiator is generally more energy-efficient than hydronic towel radiators because they can be used on their own without a full central heating system. Electric towel radiators are easier to install by you or an installer and require no plumbing, making them a more convenient option.

Hydronic towel radiators offer better heating performance and can be used to heat the entire bathroom. They require a connection to a central heating system, making them more challenging to install than an electric towel radiator.

Factors to Consider

  • Space available in the bathroom – If space is limited, an electric towel radiator may be the best option as it takes up less room. However, for larger bathrooms that require more heating, a hydronic towel radiator may be a better choice.
  • Budget – Electric towel radiators are generally less expensive than hydronic towel radiators, but they may result in higher energy bills over time. Hydronic towel radiators, on the other hand, require a larger initial investment but may save money on energy bills in the long run.
  • Personal preferences – Some people prefer the convenience and ease of installation that comes with electric towel radiators, while others prefer the heating performance and customisation options of hydronic towel radiators.

Both electric towel radiators and hydronic towel radiators have their pros and cons. Electric towel radiators are energy-efficient, easy to install, and low maintenance. However, they may not provide as much heating performance as hydronic towel radiators, and they may result in higher energy bills over time. Hydronic towel radiators, on the other hand, offer better heating performance, customisation options, and a seamless look that connects easily to your bathroom’s heating system.

Buy Energy Efficient Radiators at Stelrad

Choosing between an electric towel radiator and a hydronic towel radiator depends on individual needs and circumstances. If you have limited space, a small budget, or prefer an easy installation process, electric towel radiators may be the best option. However, if you want better heating performance, customisation options, and a seamless look, hydronic towel radiators may be the way to go.

Regardless of which type of towel radiator you choose, it is essential to consider energy efficiency, installation process, and maintenance. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can ensure that your towel radiator provides optimal heating and drying performance while also complementing the bathroom’s aesthetic.

At Stelrad, we offer a wide range of electric towel radiators and hydronic towel radiators to meet your bathroom heating needs. Contact us today to learn more about our products and find the perfect radiator for your bathroom.

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