Stelrad helps with heating at Foodbank

Stelrad Radiators has donated a number of radiators to the Hamilton Foodbank in Scotland to help make a visit to the Foodbank – and working in it – a little bit more comfortable day to day.

Hamilton Foodbank, South Lanarkshire is one of a host of Foodbanks up and down the UK seeded by the Trussell Trust. The Foodbank works with a range of local agencies who meet people at risk of going hungry. Citizens Advice, children’s centres, and health visitors are just some of those who can make refer people to the Foodbank buy issuing them with a foodbank voucher.

A typical food parcel for someone who has been given a Foodbank Voucher contains a minimum of three days of nutritionally balanced, non-perishable, tinned and dried foods that have been donated by the local community. A typical food parcel will include breakfast cereal, soup, pasta, rice, pasta sauce, baked beans, tinned meat, tinned vegetables, instant mash, UHT milk, tea, coffee, sugar, tinned dessert and biscuits. Some foodbanks also provide fresh produce if they are able to.

Volunteer at the Foodbank – Karim Awadia – who has been volunteering at the Hamilton Foodbank since 2020, was aware of the lack of heating at the building housing the Foodbank and set about taking action to warm the place up a bit.  Using his energy, charm and not inconsiderable connections he was able to get a boiler from Worcester Bosch, the radiators from Stelrad and the installation completed by PH Jones to transform the experience of visiting and working in the Foodbank just in time for the winter weather that will inevitably make its way to this part of Scotland over the next few months.

Stelrad’s Tom McGrory said: “We were delighted to be involved in this very worthy cause and to provide the means to ensure that the volunteers and the users of the Hamilton Foodbank were able to stay warm when they were in the building. The next few months will be a challenge – especially for families struggling to get enough to eat so in recognising the value the Foodbank has in its community, we are pleased to help keep the building warm for those who use it.”

For more information on the range of radiators available from Stelrad – head for

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