Why Is My Radiator Temperature Too Hot To Touch?

Have you ever touched a radiator and immediately pulled your hand away because it was surprisingly hot? Radiators are designed to heat your space efficiently, but when they’re too hot to touch, there could be an issue whilst making the room temperature uncomfortable.

Understanding why your radiators are too hot is the first step towards solving the issue. It could be due to several reasons, ranging from simple fixes like adjusting the thermostat to more complex issues involving faulty radiator valves. Below, will look at what temperature radiators should be when operating normally, what happens if they overheat, and explain common causes and solutions to help you manage radiators too hot to touch efficiently and safely.

What To Do When Your Radiators Are Too Hot To Touch

Experiencing a radiator that’s too hot to touch can be frustrating, especially when unexpected. It’s important to address this issue promptly to avoid potential harm and increase the efficiency of your heating system to reduce your energy bills. Here’s what you can do:

What Temperature Should Radiators Be?

Ideally, your radiators should operate within a temperature range between 19 °C to 21 °C. This range ensures optimal comfort and efficiency in heating your home. You can choose to check the temperature of your radiators using a digital infrared thermometer. This will allow you to measure the surface temperature without having to touch the radiator directly.

If you find that your radiator temperatures consistently exceed this range, it’s a sign that there could be an issue with the heating controls or the system itself.

What Risks Are There When Your Radiators Are Too Hot?

When radiators are too hot to touch, they pose a few potential issues that can affect the safety of your home, particularly if you have pets and young children. Here are some of the key risks to be aware of:

Burn Risks – Overheated radiators can lead to serious burns from contact. You will want to ensure children and pets are kept away from any hot surfaces which they can easily come into contact with.

Increased Energy Costs – Radiators that are operating at higher temperatures than necessary are not just a safety hazard but also a financial one. Excessive heat can lead to higher energy consumption and, consequently, higher heating bills.

Damage to Walls and Furnishings – Prolonged exposure to intense heat can discolour walls and damage nearby furniture or other décor items, impacting the aesthetics of your home.

By understanding these risks and implementing preventive measures, you can ensure that your radiators heat your home safely and efficiently.

Why Do Radiators Get Too Hot?

There can be a few reasons why a radiator can become too hot to touch. Understanding these can help you diagnose and fix the problem effectively. Here are some of the common causes:

Your Thermostat May Be Broken

The thermostat in your home helps you to regulate the temperature of your heating system, so if it’s not working correctly, it may fail to signal the boiler to turn off once the desired temperature is reached. Having a boiler temperature too high can cause the radiators to overheat.

Symptoms of a Broken Thermostat:

  • Radiator heat does not match the settings on the thermostat.
  • The heating system turns on and off more frequently or less often than usual.

How to Fix:

  • Test the thermostat by setting different temperatures to see if the system responds appropriately.
  • If the thermostat does not respond, consider replacing it and call a professional for a more detailed inspection.

Thermostatic Valves Broken

Having Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRVs) helps to control the flow of hot water into your radiators. A malfunctioning TRV can result in unregulated heat flow, causing the radiator to be too hot to touch.

Symptoms of Faulty TRVs:

  • A radiator remains extremely hot, even when the thermostat is set to a low temperature.
  • Some radiators in the home are much hotter than others.


How to Fix:

  • Check if the TRV is stuck. It might not be turning properly.
  • Replace the head of the TRV if it’s faulty, or clean it if it’s blocked by debris.

Diverter Valves Are Not Working

Diverter valves direct the flow of hot water between the radiators and the hot water system if you have a combi boiler. If they’re not functioning properly, they could mistakenly send too much hot water to the radiators.

Symptoms of Malfunctioning Diverter Valves:

  • Radiators heat up when you’re only using hot water taps, or vice versa.
  • The heating is uneven across different rooms of the house.

How to Fix:

  • Listen for unusual noises from the valve, which can indicate a problem.
  • It may require cleaning, realignment, or replacement. This task can be complex, so arranging a heating professional is advisable.

These common issues can all be resolved to ensure your radiators reach a safe, comfortable heating level and prevent it from becoming too hot to touch.

Radiators Still Too Hot? Arrange A Professional To Check

If your radiators continue to be too hot to touch despite following the troubleshooting steps above, it may be time to seek professional help. Persistent overheating could be indicative of a more complex issue within your heating system or even an issue with your boiler, and that will require expert diagnosis and repair.

At Stelrad, we have a range of radiator accessories including TRVs to help you resolve some common issues, as well as a full range of energy-efficient radiators including electric radiators and sustainable options like our Green Compact radiators. For more information, or to ask any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

For more from our blog, discover why your radiators are cold when the heating is on, and how to ensure pet safety when heating your home.

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